Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Penny Candy

Revision ... The subhead is going to be in sugar too, I just haven't had a chance to actually do it.


  1. This is really beautiful Joel. I love the color palette and the way you used multiple fonts in your design. I think the strong diagonal influence in the poster works well but its not overwhelming. The one thing I'm noticing is that the information at the bottom looks to be aschew from the diagonal of the rest of the poster... but that could just be that its down in the corner or it could just be my eyes playing tricks on me.

  2. No, it definitely is off alignment! The bottom corner was the last thing I did before I went to bed last night and I just wanted to get it on there. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with that corner! The text there seems out of place right now!
