Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Not a Shark


  1. Russell i like everything i've seen from you so far this semester. its nice how you made the drop shadow work in this poster. looks good. your modified typeface also works well with the texture of the background image. however this is a poster so i'm not super sold on the small type size you used at the bottom of the page. it could possibly use an increase in size.

    for my typeface in my posters i used the merge tool in illustrator. just an outlined character and a rectangle with about 20 steps in between. how did you do your warpspeed font?

  2. This is looking really great! Love the textures you used and the texture of your font works really well with it. I feel like there is a lot of empty space near the bottom though. Maybe if you added a shadow/gradient to the bottom just so it gets a tad darker as it goes down it might give more of that deep sea feeling and lose the feeling that it is just kind of floating there.

  3. Great feedback both! Eliot-the warpspeed font is just the word warpspeed scaled down in little increments about 10 times right behind the initial word. But when I asked how you did yours, I was referring to the graphic of the astronaut. Did you do that in photoshop?

  4. Russell, I'm really loving your posters. The "campaign" behind them is compelling, because I think there needs to be a bigger push to educate the public on identity theft.

    I agree with Eliot about making the text at the bottom bigger. I would print this out full size and step back about 20 feet to see what you can read... I bet anything its mostly the shark and a little bit of the "this is not a shark" and little to none of the smaller text.

    Its beautifully designed. I'm really enjoying it so far. and thanks for the feedback on my posters!

  5. so Russell it ends up i just got really lucky with that astronaut image. i found it on google images already done up and in a large format. im sure it wouldn't be to hard to do on your own. but i have no idea how they did it. i would have to do some 3d image research.

  6. Doing that astronaut in Photoshop wouldn't be too difficult. You'd have to duplicate the astronaut twice so there are three of him and offset them a little bit and do a color overlay on one of the blue and red on the other.
