Tuesday, September 27, 2011

new poster

1 comment:

  1. HELL YES. This looks great! I love the way the image echos your typeface, very nice. Did you use some multiply effect in Photoshop, you must show me how you did this bad boy. The typography in the bottom half is done nicely as well.

    If I were to comment on something, I would say I don't know how I feel about the way the page is broken up. It is almost cut in half, but slightly off. I don't know. I feel like a more asymmetrical break-up, say 2/3 image 1/3 your typeface and other typography, would maybe make the piece even better? I could be way off though. Maybe even making that gray line in the middle smaller and not as large as the border? Just a minor afterthought though. Great work.
